Monday, July 19, 2010

Camping Visitor Fees

My nephew joined us for Memorial day at camp pictured with my oldest son (note all that hair is gone... LOL) and my youngest son. In the much distance past we would take up to 3 cousins with no issues. With higher and higher visitor fees those days of taking multiple kids over multiple days are over. Some campgrounds charge up to $10 per night and up to $15 for an adult. I understand added people means added cost. However I don't think i even spend and extra $10 on food per day.

Showers are usually taken in my camper heated by my own hot water heater with my propane (that is if the kids take showers at all) sometimes you got to twist arms. I guess there is extra cost in water for toilets, dishes, etc. and perhaps extra activity staff is needed to handle all the "visitor" children

We paid somewhere in the vicinity of $30 for our nephews stay with us and it was worth every penny! No complaints. You can't put a price tag on the kids making great memories with their cousins. However back to reality. I would like to take my nieces and nephews on every other trip if I could.

Also I worry about fraud. Some campgrounds are just to busy to notice. Noone counts the number of people in your car. Its on the honor system whether you report a visitor or not. I suspect that two other families that camped near us were "un-paid" since there was no camping ticket on their windsheild. Hmm. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons for the high fees. The honest people paying for the non-honest?

I started a new topic on That's Camping Forum to discuss this. Post comments here or there :->

That's Camping Forum - Visitor Fees post

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