Saturday, July 29, 2006

Beautiful Day at Danforth Bay!

What a difference a week can make!!! Last Saturday rain, rain, rain. Today sun, sun, and lots of more beautiful sun! Summer at its peak. Overall, what a great glorious day! At the Brookside beach we found a nice clear sand bar at a more (or less) private beach near the end of the Merry Meeting sites. This sand bar features CLEAR and CRISP water (where where the brook comes out). The water is even more crystal clear and refreshing that at the Brookside beach. Something new that we found this week at Danforth Bay. We went to Brookside beach early and stayed until about 3PM. Our 2 year old even feel asleep in the shade on a towel.

Danforth Bay is now using what I'm going to call "controversial trash trailers". I've talked to 2 people and they don't like them!!! I have no real opinion of them. If they indeed empty them each night it should be NO problem. Leave them past dusk then skunks and other creatures will be invovled. I say lets give DBCR a chance to see how these work!

I'm glad that DBCR didn't close the second pool yet. I think they should wait until after the busy season. The campground is still full but very quiet during the evening when I visited last week.

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