Monday, October 08, 2007

Columbus Day Weekend at Danforth Bay

Wow! What a great long holiday weekend at Danforth Bay. We started off the weekend by arriving fairly early and having some delicious steak tips that we purchased previously at Butcher Boy Maket in N. Andover. This is about a 15 minute "well worth it" diversion off of I495 (Wards Hill) in Mass. on your way up to Danforth Bay.

On Saturday morning we visited Four you Paws Only in North Conway to pick up two adorable costumes for the puppies. We originally picked up a skunk outfit and a spider but Patty found a Pirate costume that matched Cameron's outfit. We also tried to stop at the Moat Mountain Brewery to fill up our growler beer jug but we found this to be closed at 11AM and didn't have time to wait around. Good selection and beer but this is quite a distance from Danforth Bay.

Sunday evening we went site-to-site trick-or-treating with several of our new seasonal friends! What a great time! Patty wasn't site decorating this year (too much) so she even went with us. We even took Bailey and Mowgli out (in their costumes). They had a ball and the skunk costume was a real big hit with everyone at camp.
We also found out that Nick from Activities has moved along to bigger and better oppurtunities. While we are sad to see him go, will certaintly miss him, we are happy for him! He was an asset to the campground!

During the Halloween activities, the forum group went all OUT again this year. The truly best costume was the LIFE SIZE spider and spraying human size "Off Can". I certaintly hope that Danforth Bay got pictures.

The weather was truely a mixed bag. Good Friday night and Saturday morning/early afternoon. Wet on Saturday evening and murky on Sunday morning. Great Sunday night for trick-or-treating and wet again late Sunday night / Monday morning.

The RV show is next weekend at Danforth Bay! Two years ago it was a washout and looks like it might REPEAT again.

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